If you would like to be considered for employment at 威尼斯9499, 请阅读我们的信仰声明, then submit your resume 和 a cover letter that includes your reasons for desiring a position in a Christian school.  我们可能会联系您以完成完整的申请.
2024 - 2025年开业

PRESCHOOL – Teachers 和 老师的助手;  Suzanne Couillard, scouillard@redwm.net
TK-8年级-教师, 老师的助手, Substitutes for TK-12;  Scott Prohaska, sprohaska@redwm.net
ADMINISTRATION – Administrative Staff;  Keith Curlee, kcurlee@redwm.net
ATHLETICS – Coaches;  Corey Gesell, cgesell@redwm.net

就业 at 威尼斯9499 is open to qualified individuals who are Christians in good character. 威尼斯9499不歧视就业, 或者在雇佣条款或条件中, 以种族为基础, 性, 国家或民族出身, color, 年龄, 或残疾. 威尼斯9499 is a religious 教育al ministry, permitted to utilize religion as an employment criteria. 所有潜在的和现有的员工必须同意威尼斯9499威尼斯9499, 和 they must be willing to conduct their lives in conformity with the school’s statement of faith 和 the school’s declaration 和 agreement to ethical 和 moral integrity.


  • 个人推荐

    我已经向威尼斯9499申请了一个职位. 我已授权学校彻底调查推荐信, 评估, 教育, 以及其他与我是否适合工作有关的事宜. I authorize 参考文献 和 我以前的雇主 to disclose to the school any 和 all employment records, 绩效考核, 信, 报告, 以及其他与我的生活和工作有关的信息, 在不事先通知本人的情况下. 除了, 我特此公布威尼斯9499, 我以前的雇主, 参考文献, 以及所有其他当事人的索赔, 要求, or liabilities arising out of or in any way related to such investigation or disclosure. I waive the right to ever personally view any 参考文献 given to 威尼斯9499. 我保证已仔细阅读并理解上述声明.
  • 请回答以下问题,重点是你的基督教信仰. 
  • 威尼斯9499 is captured by God’s vision to redeem a people for Himself from every tongue, 部落和国家(启示录. 7: 9-12).  我们相信神按照自己的形象创造了每一个人(创1:4). 1:27).  Therefore, believers are called to love 和 treat every im年龄 bearer of God with dignity 和 respect.  This is summarized in Jesus’ words from Matthew 22, to love God 和 to love your neighbor. 
    然而,人的心是有缺陷和有罪的. Therefore, our only solution to faithfully fulfill this comm和 is the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  强调接受耶稣基督为主, coupled with the comm和 of Matthew 22 和 the vision of Revelation 7 will help our students 和 community to realize 和 emb比赛 the individual differences God has created in each person - 性别 (male 和 female), 比赛, 年龄与能力, 文化, 经济地位. 
  • Hpca信仰宣言

    1. The Holy Bible was written by men divinely inspired 和 is God’s only written revelation of Himself to man. 它是神教导的完美宝库. 所有的圣经都是完全真实和值得信赖的.
    2. There is one 和 only one living 和 true God; the eternal triune God reveals Himself to us as Father, 儿子, 和圣灵.
    3. 基督是神永恒的儿子. 他化身为耶稣基督, 他是由圣灵怀的孕, 圣母玛利亚所生, 他没有罪. 他在十字架上牺牲了自己的生命,代替了他的死亡, 带着荣耀的身体从死里复活, 升入天堂, 如今在神的右边被高举.
    4. 圣灵是神的灵,住在信徒里面, 使人明白真理,使人认识罪. 他培养基督徒的品格, 舒适的信徒, 并赐下属灵的恩赐,使他们事奉神.
    5. 上帝是宇宙的创造者. 人是上帝按照自己的形象创造的特殊创造物.|
    6. In the beginning man was innocent of sin 和 was endowed by his Creator with freedom of choice. 由于人的自由选择,他得罪了神,把罪带进了人类. 这将人置于上帝的谴责之下.
    7. 救恩包括整个人的救赎, 并且白白地赐给一切接受耶稣基督为主和救主的人, 谁用自己的血为信徒获得了永恒的救赎. 只有相信耶稣基督是主,才有救恩.
    8. 所有真正的信徒都能坚持到底. 信徒可能因疏忽和试探而陷入罪中, 但他们必蒙神的大能保守,因信得救.
    9. Christ will return personally 和 visibly to the earth: the dead will be raised 和 Christ will judge all men in righteousness. 不义的人将被打入地狱,那是永远受惩罚的地方. The righteous will receive their reward 和 will dwell forever in Heaven with the Lord.
    10. Marri年龄 is the uniting of one man 和 one woman in covenant commitment for a lifetime.
    11. Children, from the moment of conception, are a blessing 和 herit年龄 from the Lord.
    12. 人是上帝按照自己的形象特别创造的. 他造男造女,作为他造物的最高之工. 因此,性别的恩赐是上帝创造的美好的一部分.
    13. A New Testament church is an autonomous local congregation of baptized believers who God will use to extend the gospel to the ends of the earth.
    14. Christ’s people are to live in Christian unity 和 may eng年龄 in voluntary cooperation with various Christian denominations for common ends when such cooperation involves no violation of conscience or compromise of loyalty to Christ 和 His Word as revealed in the New Testament.
  • 个人哲学
    1. 你为什么想在基督教学校工作?
    2. 与我们分享你的基督徒见证. 
    3. 你的优点和缺点是什么?
    4. Please summarize any additional information that you would like to present regarding your c和idacy for this position.  
  • Hpca申请人的认证和协议
    I underst和 that 威尼斯9499 does not discriminate in its employment practices against any person because of 比赛, color, 国家或民族出身, 性别, 年龄, 或残疾.
    I hereby certify that the facts set forth in this initial application are true 和 complete to the best of my knowledge.
    I underst和 that discovery of falsification of any statement or a significant omission of fact may prevent me from being hired, 或者如果被录用, may subject me to immediate dismissal regardless of the time elapsed before discovery. 如果我在这种情况下被释放, I further underst和 that I will be paid 和 receive benefits only through the day of release.
    我授权威尼斯9499彻底调查推荐信, 工作记录, 评估, 教育, 以及其他与我是否适合工作有关的事宜.
    I authorize 参考文献 和 我以前的雇主 to disclose to the school any 和 all employment records, 绩效考核, 信, 报告, 以及其他与我的生活和工作有关的信息, 在不事先通知本人的情况下.
    除了, 我特此公布威尼斯9499, 我以前的雇主, 参考文献, 以及所有其他当事人的索赔, 要求, or liabilities arising out of or in any way related to such investigation or disclosure.
    I waive the right to ever personally view any 参考文献 given to 威尼斯9499.
    因为我要和孩子们一起工作, I underst和 that I must submit to a fingerprint check by the FBI 和 possibly other federal 和 state authorities. I agree to fully cooperate in providing 和 recording as many sets of my fingerprints as are necessary for such an investigation. 我授权威尼斯9499进行犯罪记录调查.
    I underst和 that this is only an application for employment 和 that no employment contract is being offered at this time.
  • Next Section: Only complete if you are applying for an 威尼斯9499 TK-12th grade teaching position. 
    如果你正在申请一个普通员工或替代职位, 请跳到底部提交此表格.